My Mango Tree
Ever feel like you're at a crossing and the bridge is always up? I often get asked what Aeon Blip is. It's the moment everything in your life becomes clear, the dust gets blown away by your life force and the ignition from your engines firing up. You then see the opening you've been searching for but keep in mind its a window and it must be kept open or closed depending on your goals. You're very lucky in life to have a clear path with very little confusion and or obstacles.
Qualifying Criteria: Who is this book for?
1. New Entrepreneurs who are struggling with identifying where to direct time and resource.
2. Individuals who are looking to create an additional reliable stream of income.
3. Anyone who is thinking of throwing in the towel. Metamorphosis requires more than 10%
I would say most including myself are not so fortunate but it makes your story all the more worthy, so keep the Blip in mind. We are looking to clear the runway for take-off with a flight plan laser-like focus and work ethic. It is essential without question that tasks be completed with conviction. There must be action. The key is to keep tasks small and manageable.
How do we clear the runway? Welcome to the Disk Clean Phase (DCP). Grab a diary or a sheet of paper and write down what you love and what you know. Then make a side note of new or existing skills that can enhance your financial situation like the stock market and joining an outsourcing website or becoming an online English teacher. Start from childhood through to adulthood, you should end up with roughly five things. Excluding the side note.
Two might be from childhood and three from life's conditioning which can lead to new versions of yourself, useful but it's not making you financially independent and it's lining someone else's pockets, not yours. Keep this list somewhere safe like on your wall. I use the word conditioning because one day you wake up and realise we need to pay bills, we know very little about financial independence and our minds are indecisive drowning in doubt with an overflow of information and for the average person, there's very little time to decide and or limited resource.
It's also important to note you are not at fault or a bad person or a non-achiever. Ok, back to DCP if you've ever found yourself optimising your computer this is the same. Identify what is valuable and what isn't. Increase what is essential and decrease what isn't. For me, this is time alone free of unwanted distraction and ensuring my resources are true by vetting and fact-finding. Secondary is meaningful relationships in all facets, nutrition and data circles naturally these should be kind of small.
The establishment deliberately excluded from the general education system some pretty vital tools to ensure the gap in class and dictating your role in a society like understanding money, taxes (They don't tax the rich because they hardly pay any and they don't earn a wage they "use debt" to create wealth) and finally the power of the mind. The objective behind the schooling system was to create an endless supply of wealth, income for the establishment by turning you into a taxpayer. You have to admit they're very clear-minded between the ears.
1. Switch how you view Debt and begin to see it as the golden ticket that it is.
2. Eliminate false risks by focusing on the upside probability and trend.
3. Avoid hype by focusing on numbers, sales reports and SEC filings.
4. Keep a close eye on your peers for additional confirmation and Smart money.
5. Commit to your decisions by removing emotion and believing in your qualifying data.
Great you've got your list and you know how to clean your disk. From your list cross out what doesn't bring you joy or is no longer feasible then combine the list with your side note. For me, this was drawing and writing I was great at both but with limited resource, encouragement and difficult circumstance they slowly became dormant. I ended up in jobs I kind of didn't like or hated but needed to earn a wage because that's what I was programmed to do. Go to school, get a job, a pension and aim to retire.
Did I discover new versions of myself? you bet I did. I picked up selling products in local markets on the weekends. I became very conversational and enjoyed the idea of giving someone a product and receiving payment or helping someone complete a task sitting in my living room. I then began to understand value and relevance. Selling what people already need or will need (Trends) my side note included FBA, Shopify, Trading and Outsourcing while keeping a part-time job in a charity organisation. I crossed off Shopify because it didn't fit into my ideal world but it is including eBay most definitely bankable.
Today we are gifted with technology, data transparency and the stock market. Ever played video games? Great, tech and data are the special weapons you search for in a video game they're weapons you'll need for the entire journey. The stock market is the in-game store where you buy hold increase decrease or sell.
As you can see I found my way back to the pen. Writing never left me I held onto it or it stuck with me then I combined it with technology. I'm also equipped with selling both digital and tangibles in person and online, conversation and the stock market. But what's most vital is that my runways clear. How's yours looking?
My Mango Tree is a 25-page full-colour large print paperback with original photography also available as an Ebook for instant delivery. You get to see how I entered metamorphosis and what emerged following the Aeon Blip. After 6 months I now have four revenue streams one of which requires just five minutes twice a week which pays $150 PCM without fail, a total of $1,800 a year.
If you would like to order the paperback version please leave an accurate delivery address. Free Shipping if possible. See you on the landing strip. Over and out.
First 20 orders also receive my personal go to list of making money online that works everytime.